Our future doctors

Our future doctors

Who are our future doctors? Our medi­cal stu­dents of today are our saviors of tomor­row. We have a duty to encou­rage the next gene­ra­tion to enter the medi­cal field. But how do we encou­rage them? How do we ans­wer the ques­tions of young stu­dents who have just...
Challenges to effective cancer control

Challenges to effective cancer control

What are the chal­lenges to effec­tive can­cer control? 1. The first chal­lenge in the fight against can­cer is : First, the chal­lenge is to improve pre­ven­tion to limit the cases of can­cer. We know that smo­king, high-fat foods and alco­hol abuse can...

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