Useful links

mutual aid

Here are the useful links that we have selected for you!

First of all, these use­ful links are those of places, asso­cia­tions and pro­ducts that we have been able to prac­tice since July 2019. The­re­fore, we have the hind­sight and objec­ti­vi­ty neces­sa­ry toensure the serious­ness of these esta­blish­ments and companies.

So we hope that this selec­tion will be use­ful to you. Of course, if you are also assu­red of the serious­ness of orga­ni­za­tions,tell us on the LEVA forum . We would be deligh­ted to approach them to join them in our selection.

In addi­tion of course, find the links of our social net­works! On LEVA face­book, you can create bonds with each other without neces­sa­ri­ly going through the medi­cal fra­me­work of the LEVA site. And on LEVA’s Ins­ta­gram , only exclu­sive content to evade all and keep you entertained!

We think very much of you. Take good care of yourself

Click on the logos to go directly to the sites!



Health :

Gus­tave Rous­sy Institute

Ins­ti­tut Rafaël

Ame­ri­can Hos­pi­tal of Paris

Cosmetics :

Bio­der­ma: range for skin wea­ke­ned by anti-can­cer treatments


medical research:

Association Vaincre le Cancer

OVERCOMING CANCER — Let’s get a head start on can­cer, which remains the lea­ding cause of
pre­ma­ture mor­ta­li­ty in France. Help our resear­chers save your lives.





Digi­tal crea­tions & amp; websites

mutual aid

To all health professionals, without hierarchical order, nursing assistants, researchers, maintenance staff, doctors, canteen staff, samu, laboratory assistants, nurses ) s, specialists, home helpers, firefighters, general practitioners, designers and manufacturers of equipment, administrative staff, pharmacists, sorry for those I forgot to mention, and all those who support them on daily , 



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