About us


Hel­lo ! I am Sarah-Lev and I am the foun­der of the LEVA web­site.
Yaa­kov-Lev, whom I am accom­pa­nying, has been trea­ted since July 2019 with che­mo­the­ra­py.
Since we know you may be tired and/or busy, we’ll give a quick intro­duc­tion.
Over time, we rea­li­zed that there were many oppor­tu­ni­ties to help others, through our expe­rience, and also to be hel­ped.
Howe­ver, there was nothing real­ly prac­ti­cal to do this with only people concer­ned with this sub­ject. Very often, you and we are alone and hel­pless. Indeed, few people around us can ans­wer our ques­tions if a symp­tom arises within a few hours. Of course, we can’t call the doc­tors at any time to get advice. On the other hand, we can’t have emer­gen­cy appoint­ments eve­ry time. Nor can we go to the hos­pi­tal emer­gen­cy room eve­ry time.
So I crea­ted the LEVA web­site with this in mind.
On the LEVA site, we can dis­cuss many deli­cate sub­jects such as cer­tain side effects of treat­ments, and thus find ans­wers and advice. We can dis­co­ver ways of doing things that have wor­ked, both tra­di­tio­nal and alter­na­tive methods. We know that each case is unique, and the­re­fore each approach is to be consi­de­red without pre­ju­dice.
As a remin­der, I am not a health pro­fes­sio­nal. I am just a per­son who lives this, like you, like hun­dreds of thou­sands of other people.
LEVA is a par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry site. Let’s give each other our advice, to make the LEVA forum a refe­rence to help each other! Bene­vo­lence and opti­mism are a given.
And of course, join us on LEVA social net­works! Our ins­ta­gram has exclu­sive content to escape and enter­tain you, see you soon!
On the road to reco­ve­ry!


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