“We help those we love”

1 Forum



16 topics to par­ti­ci­pate and learn


Tons of love, kind­ness and optimism

Hello and welcome to all! 

Here, on LEVA, we talk to each other, we exchange advice, we do our­selves good. Patients, care­gi­vers and all health pro­fes­sio­nals who wish to do so can talk free­ly about their expe­riences in a friend­ly and opti­mis­tic atmos­phere. See you soon on the LEVA forum, or on our LEVA social net­works if you pre­fer! Thanks for being here, we love you alrea­dy.





Mau­rice and Doc­tor Albert E.

It reminds me of the sto­ry of Dr. Albert E. tel­ling Mau­rice, “Take off your clothes and stick out your tongue while loo­king out the win­dow. ”
Mau­rice asto­ni­shed: “but for what? “. The doc­tor, mischie­vous: “I am angry with my neigh­bor! “.
We are pret­ty sure that you are not fol­lo­wed by Doc­tor Albert E., so we have chances to do bet­ter than him. Here, on LEVA, we talk to each other, we exchange advice, we do each other good.

Home Page LEVA Yaakov-Lev et Sarah-Lev

Presentation of LEVA

“We help those we love“
In this video, we, Sarah-Lev and Yaa­kov-Lev, intro­duce you to the LEVA site, the why and the how. We sug­gest you join us on the site’s forum, to exchange tips. We sug­gest our articles and videos. And of course, we invite you to sub­scribe to our social net­works. In fact, you will find exclu­sive content on our Ins­ta­gram to escape and enter­tain you! We want to help each other, you and us. On the road to recovery!

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