Yaakov-Lev in the campaign looking to the future
What are the chal­lenges to effec­tive can­cer control? 1. The first chal­lenge in the fight against can­cer is : First, the chal­lenge is to improve pre­ven­tion to limit the cases of can­cer. We know that smo­king, high-fat foods and alco­hol abuse can cause can­cer. Of course, consu­mer cam­pai­gns have chan­ged habits. Indeed, consump­tion is decrea­sing. Howe­ver, we can still make efforts to opti­mize. First of all, we can rein­force pre­ven­tion by more exa­mi­na­tions. We are seeing a real increase in pro­gress. Howe­ver, there are still major concerns. We need to prevent child­hood can­cers ear­ly and help their parents. To date, parents of sick chil­dren are often at a loss. First of all, the admi­nis­tra­tive files are time-consu­ming and often com­pli­ca­ted. Also, parents are not taken care of psy­cho­lo­gi­cal­ly or, if they wish, they have to pay for the consul­ta­tions. As for the finan­cial part, some parents have to leave their job to take care of their sick child. The article below is very inter­es­ting: a lit­tle boy and his parents are figh­ting a brain tumor together.
2. The second chal­lenge in the fight against can­cer: This is the chal­lenge to improve the care to be pro­vi­ded to patients. We rea­lize that there are dis­pa­ri­ties in treat­ment and tools bet­ween hos­pi­tals in France. Some get more finan­cial aid to bene­fit from state-of-the-art equip­ment. This same equip­ment can be acqui­red some­times 5 to 10 years later by many other hos­pi­tals such as the PET-SCAN. Can­cer patients can­not be left out of the pan­de­mic. During the first wave of Covid-19 that led to the first contain­ment (March/May 2020), many patients had urgent ope­ra­tions post­po­ned as well as appoint­ments neces­sa­ry for their fol­low-up. It is esti­ma­ted that about 5,000 can­cer patients died in France during the first contain­ment. Not because they had caught the coro­na­vi­rus but because they were denied access to care in time. In addi­tion, many can­cers were diag­no­sed far too late in 2020 for these same rea­sons. Add to this the fear of being infec­ted in the hos­pi­tal set­ting, which again may increase excess mor­ta­li­ty of can­cer patients in the coming months and years. 3. The third chal­lenge in the fight against can­cer: This is the neces­sa­ry chal­lenge to offer to people in remis­sion, then cured, so that they can have the most nor­mal and fair life pos­sible. It is neces­sa­ry to prevent for­mer patients from serious risks of depres­sion with a bet­ter accom­pa­niment by pro­fes­sio­nal psy­cho­lo­gists. But it is also neces­sa­ry to faci­li­tate the return to work. Some patients lose their jobs due to pro­lon­ged work stop­pages of seve­ral years. Moreo­ver, this is explai­ned in detail in the article “consu­mer loans”: Lit­tle by lit­tle, cer­tain deci­sions taken by the govern­ment aim at redu­cing the major dif­fe­rences in treat­ment that exist bet­ween people who have been cured of can­cer for many years and those who have been lucky enough to have always been healthy.

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