The ste­ri­li­zer, the friend who wants to do you many of us since the appea­rance of the covid, we accen­tuate the disin­fec­tion of our interiors.indeed, we are inva­ded by the microbes, and to ste­ri­lize all that is with our range, is one of the first neces­si­ties. All the more so when you have an immu­no­de­fi­cient per­son at home, as is sur­ely the case if you are concer­ned by can­cer and che­mo­the­ra­py. This implies, and I’m sure I’m not the only one, a mas­sive use of disin­fec­ting and sani­ti­zing clea­ning pro­ducts. To name a few: Sany­tol, white vine­gar, hou­se­hold alco­hol, bleach etc. As we see the time that it takes us eve­ry day! And then the ste­ri­li­za­tion, it is not the first pas­sion of eve­ryone. We also see our hands withe­ring day after day! Yes, we know, we have to wear gloves. But admit that it is not prac­ti­cal when we do 1000 things at the same time. Thank you Jim­my (our guar­dian angel) for sug­ges­ting the UV ste­ri­li­zers. By the way, I had alrea­dy thought of a ste­ri­li­zer in the form of a box, for small objects like the tele­phone, keys, or vital cards. Yes, vital cards are not contact­less and we touch them all the time! But it was expen­sive for what it did, and it see­med rather gim­mi­cky. Final­ly, I found a solu­tion, very prac­ti­cal, not tiring, not time consu­ming, and quite affor­dable. *** We are not sponsored***
Let me intro­duce you to your future new friend. — It is equip­ped with a double ste­ri­li­za­tion: ultra­vio­let and ozone. — It des­troys 99% of bac­te­ria, or their abi­li­ty to repro­duce in 2 to 3 minutes. — Of course, it des­troys dust mites. — Moreo­ver, it can work by itself when it is put down, while detec­ting you and avoi­ding you if you move. — It also works by hand, without wire, all light, all easy. — It weighs only 180 gr, it mea­sures 20 cm long and 4 cm wide. — So it can be used for car, refri­ge­ra­tor, shoe cabi­net, baby room, pet area, kit­chen, bathroom, toi­let, bedroom, clo­set, cabi­net, etc. — It is per­fect for tex­tiles, sofas, cur­tains, cushions, and fur­ni­ture, cof­fee tables, table edges, arm­rests etc. — It can be used in hotels, beau­ty salons etc. — And it fits in your hand­bag! Yes, I tried it! I put the pic­tures below.
When you use it, there is a very, very slight smell that comes out, you can smell sani­ta­tion, in eve­ry sense of the word. Oh, I almost for­got, it is total­ly silent. There is all the infor­ma­tion, the tech­nique, and the price of this device on sale on Ama­zon by cli­cking here. If you have other solu­tions, tips, tell us on the forum of the site to “Others” by cli­cking here.
In conclu­sion, I have tes­ted and approve of the UV and ozone ste­ri­li­zer! I am reas­su­red when I use it, and it is in ade­qua­cy with an active life which does not allow to spend seve­ral hours per day to make the hou­se­hold. So I hope it will be a relief for you as it is for me!
stérilisateur à UV
stérilisateur et sac à mains

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