Our first inter­view on FUN RADIO in the VACHER TIME is also a nice sto­ry of mutual aid and huma­ni­ty. This article is dedi­ca­ted to our friends M and F, Niko, Anne-So, Vacher, Lucas, Fun Radio, and all their lis­te­ners. WE THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!! All these people made it pos­sible to make known LEVA LABORATORIES to the gene­ral public, in a res­pon­sible and ethi­cal emis­sion: The VACHER TIME. It is an honor for us to be with their ins­pi­ring and exem­pla­ry guests. Find the Vacher Time team from 9 to 11 am eve­ry day on Fun Radio by cli­cking here! We dis­cuss LEVA LABORATORIES in the first 10 minutes (from 5’20 to 10’05 for the most hur­ried). Howe­ver, I invite you to watch and lis­ten to the entire show and for those inter­es­ted, you can also find the enti­re­ty of their exci­ting pro­grams on the Fun Radio web­site (link above). *erra­tum : Among the num­ber of patients affec­ted by can­cer, men represent 54.5%. And since we’re tal­king num­bers: On the other hand, to get a bet­ter pic­ture, accor­ding to the latest 2018 figures: 318,000 new cases of can­cer detec­ted in France. 18.1 mil­lion new cases detec­ted in the world. Final­ly, since the Covid cri­sis, it is expec­ted in the next two years, an explo­sion of new cases. This is due to the lack of scree­ning and medi­cal fol­low-up. Moreo­ver, all patho­lo­gies taken toge­ther, there are 11 MILLION care­gi­vers in France.
Wel­come to LEVA LABORATORIES : levalab.com . This is a site dedi­ca­ted to all people affec­ted by can­cer: patients AND com­pa­nions. Here, on LEVA we wel­come men! The spi­rit of LEVA is opti­mism and bene­vo­lence. We share prac­ti­cal advice, espe­cial­ly through our videos. LEVA is a rigo­rous site, where all the infor­ma­tion publi­shed is serious. It is vali­da­ted by health pro­fes­sio­nals. Moreo­ver, eve­ry­thing is fast for the visi­tor. In only 3 clicks, you can access the infor­ma­tion. (1 click to connect to the site, 1 click to choose the type of infor­ma­tion — forum-article-video- use­ful links, 1 click to choose the final information).
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: In short, if among the people who lis­ten to us and see us, there are some who want to become our part­ners, or who want to help us in any way: contact us. Our next goal is to pay doc­tors and spe­cia­lists to vali­date or cor­rect the posts of the forum them­selves. In paral­lel, we have two other parts of LEVA under deve­lop­ment, one of which has been in the works for over a year and a half. To sum­ma­rize, eve­ry­thing is in the aim of hel­ping to cure can­cer, to improve the side effects of treat­ments and to be in syner­gy with the dif­ferent health pro­fes­sio­nals, the patients and the accom­pa­nying per­sons. Final­ly, are you all won­de­ring how you can help in other ways? You can sub­scribe for free to our forum (eve­ry­thing is ultra-secure)! You can sub­scribe for free to our You­tube chan­nel and our social net­works (links by cli­cking on the icons below). THANK YOU Wel­come to the LEVA Forum! On the road to recovery!

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