Sleep apnea and anti-pain treat­ments can create vital risks if oxy­ge­na­tion is not adap­ted. Yaa­kov-Lev and Sarah-Lev explain what it is, and the impor­tance of taking pre­cau­tions with cer­tain pain treat­ments. In par­ti­cu­lar, in this case, to alle­viate the pain of bone metas­tases. In order to cor­rect these very dan­ge­rous sleep apneas, the Ita­lian com­pa­ny Vivi­sol, dedi­ca­ted to home health ser­vices, pro­poses a machine and its oxy­gen mask. Yaa­kov-Lev explains how it works and how to use it. *Non-spon­so­red video Please note that the anti-pain treat­ment we are tal­king about in this video is Duro­ge­sic, Fen­ta­nyl. This medi­ca­tion is only avai­lable on medi­cal pres­crip­tion. For your safe­ty and health, do not self-medi­cate. Always seek the advice of a heal­th­care pro­fes­sio­nal. As a remin­der, Yaa­kov-Lev has been recei­ving che­mo­the­ra­py since July 2019. He has T‑type Acute Lym­pho­blas­tic Leu­ke­mia, with bone metas­tases, metas­tases to cer­tain organs in the abdo­men and elsew­here… It is a gene­ra­li­zed stage 4 can­cer. More info: If you wish, Yaa­kov-Lev has writ­ten a topic in the forum. He talks about sleep apnea, oxy­ge­na­tion and anti-pain treat­ments. Com­bi­ned, they can create vital risks if oxy­ge­na­tion is not suf­fi­cient. To access it you can click here. If you want more infor­ma­tion about the com­pa­ny VIVISOL, click here to access their web­site in French. We wish you a good vie­wing! Sub­scribe to our You­tube chan­nel and click on the bell to receive a noti­fi­ca­tion each time a new video is online. Do not hesi­tate to com­ment under our video on You­tube, or on the LEVA web­site, and espe­cial­ly to share this video, which will help many people concer­ned. We don’t neces­sa­ri­ly ima­gine that we can save lives by sha­ring advice, like this video, and yet… If you knew how much it can change eve­ry­thing…! Thanks to you. Take good care of your­self. On the road to recovery!

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