Who are our future doc­tors? Our medi­cal stu­dents of today are our saviors of tomor­row. We have a duty to encou­rage the next gene­ra­tion to enter the medi­cal field. But how do we encou­rage them? How do we ans­wer the ques­tions of young stu­dents who have just gra­dua­ted from high school and don’t real­ly know how to go about it, and what to expect? Marine Lor­phe­lin, (for­mer Miss France 2013, yes it’s her) is an intern in her last year of gene­ral medi­cine. She also writes columns in the medi­cal press. Wha­lid Meked­dem has just fini­shed his inter­n­ship in gene­ral medi­cine in Lille. He tells about his stu­dies and his begin­nings as a doc­tor on You­tube under the name Avis­cène. Nico­las Evrard, doc­tor and jour­na­list, (for­mer head of the health depart­ment of the Aufé­mi­nin group), hel­ped Marine and Walid. He coor­di­na­ted all the prac­ti­cal infor­ma­tion, from schoo­ling to the pro­fes­sion in a book relea­sed on Octo­ber 8, 2020, “Tout savoir sur les études de méde­cine” (Eve­ry­thing you need to know about stu­dying medi­cine) and on sale here on Amazon.
This book is rated 4.8 out of 5, Bra­vo to them! They have also invol­ved many of their fel­low medi­cal stu­dents. All of them give you in this book prac­ti­cal advice, tes­ti­mo­nies, anec­dotes, and infor­ma­tion on the reforms of the health stu­dies. Whe­ther they are hos­pi­tal prac­ti­tio­ners or pri­vate prac­ti­tio­ners, in the city or in the coun­try, we are coun­ting on our future doc­tors! If you have any infor­ma­tion to share with us, please do not hesi­tate to do so in the LEVA forum, under the hea­ding “Admi­nis­tra­tive pro­ce­dures / Other” here

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