Met­for­min is bene­fi­cial in the fight against can­cer. It is a drug used to treat type 2 dia­betes. Did you say met­for­min? Yes. It’s com­mon to find that a drug has bene­fi­cial side effects that are some­times total­ly unex­pec­ted. This is the case with met­for­min. Indeed, resear­chers have mana­ged to demons­trate that it could have an impor­tant role in opti­mi­zing the pre­ven­tion, but also the treat­ment of can­cer. How does it work? It turns out that met­for­min can prevent the evo­lu­tion of can­cer cells. The result is more than encou­ra­ging. Some of the most dif­fi­cult can­cers to treat can the­re­fore bene­fit from the vir­tues of met­for­min. Moreo­ver, a very inter­es­ting article (acces­sed here) sho­wed that concrete expe­ri­ments were conduc­ted in 2017 on people suf­fe­ring from can­cer. It tur­ned out that these results are far from anec­do­tal. The Nume­ri­cal Fact: Accor­ding to exten­sive stu­dies, met­for­min allows, depen­ding on the type of can­cer and its evo­lu­tion, to obtain consequent results. They range from 14% to 40% reduc­tion in breast, pan­crea­tic, lung, colon and liver can­cers! Howe­ver, met­for­min can­not improve the treat­ment of leu­ke­mia. Howe­ver, it can be used in com­bi­na­tion with a blood pres­sure medi­ca­tion. Met­for­min can only des­troy tumor cells. Unlike che­mo­the­ra­py, which des­troys both good and bad cells “without sor­ting”. Since then, resear­chers at John Hop­kins Uni­ver­si­ty demons­tra­ted in 2020 that the com­bi­na­tion of met­for­min and rapa­my­cin (a drug that is an anti-rejec­tion drug for organ trans­plants) could consi­de­ra­bly increase the lifes­pan of a per­son with cer­tain can­cers. Even bet­ter! Patients who can tole­rate che­mo­the­ra­py treat­ments may not need to com­bine rapa­my­cin with ano­ther drug to have the same posi­tive results. These results can go as far as stop­ping the pro­gres­sion of the can­ce­rous tumor com­ple­te­ly. We thank Dr. Daniel Lugas­sy (aller­gist and anti-aging phy­si­cian) for trans­fer­ring the article publi­shed on the site ” Word Do not hesi­tate to react on the LEVA Forum!

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