Metformin is beneficial in the fight against cancer

Metformin is beneficial in the fight against cancer

Met­for­min is bene­fi­cial in the fight against can­cer. It is a drug used to treat type 2 diabetes. Did you say met­for­min? Yes. It’s com­mon to find that a drug has bene­fi­cial side effects that are some­times total­ly unex­pec­ted. This is the case with...
What life after cancer ?

What life after cancer ?

What life is like after can­cer is a ques­tion that is rare­ly asked. First of all, before I got sick, I always thought that once the treat­ments were over, life would go on in a rela­ti­ve­ly simple way. Howe­ver, it is not by chance that we talk about “long”...
Challenges to effective cancer control

Challenges to effective cancer control

What are the chal­lenges to effec­tive can­cer control? 1. The first chal­lenge in the fight against can­cer is : First, the chal­lenge is to improve pre­ven­tion to limit the cases of can­cer. We know that smo­king, high-fat foods and alco­hol abuse can...

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