“Life is beau­ti­ful” Ber­nard Tapie, April 2021. First of all, when I was very young, I atten­ded from the wings a tele­vi­sion pro­gram pre­sen­ted by Ber­nard Tapie. It was in Tou­lon, in the Var. I think it was in 1987, although I’m not sure. The show was cal­led “AMBITIONS”. I put the audio cre­dits here for those who want. Besides, I didn’t know any­thing about poli­tics, busi­ness, or soc­cer. I had no idea of the contro­ver­sies that these circles gene­ra­ted. That said, the only thing I saw was a man whose pre­sence alone was enough to get the crowd going, in this case the audience of the show. I remem­ber him wal­king towards the stage during the cre­dits, and thin­king to myself: “They are all here for him, he has gathe­red them all”. Indeed, there were those who hoped that things would change at the regio­nal level because of him. Others were hoping for an increase in employ­ment, some who were thin­king about money, ban­kers, inves­tors. And then there were the sports fans. And of course, those who loved the man. But eve­ryone, young and old, was gal­va­ni­zed by him and what he exu­ded (and still exudes).
After­wards, I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to tell him and thank him. Once in per­son, once in writing.
In fact, I could talk about that eve­ning for much lon­ger. This man, Mr. Ber­nard Tapie, has mar­ked me for life. And the title of this pro­gram “Ambi­tions”, what a title! When I think about it, if someone had told me at the time that much later my ambi­tion would be to try to improve the dai­ly life of patients and care­gi­vers affec­ted by can­cer, I assure you that I would never have belie­ved it.
Moreo­ver, for the anec­dote, the first word I knew how to write was “gera­nium”, and the first sen­tence I wrote in full was “Life is beautiful”.
“Life is beau­ti­ful”. Phrase that Ber­nard Tapie said at the end of his inter­view in the 8 o’clock news of Gilles Bou­leau, on TF1.The ans­wers of Mr. Ber­nard Tapie during this inter­view are so per­fect in my eyes, and in total ade­qua­cy with the spi­rit of LEVA, that I take the liber­ty of trans­cri­bing to you in wri­ting extracts of this ITW, which you can find below in video.
* It goes without saying, but I spe­ci­fy for Mr. Tapie and his rela­tives, that the excerpts I have cho­sen for LEVA concern only, and only, can­cer, opti­mism and life les­sons. I rei­te­rate all my admi­ra­tion and res­pect to Mr. Tapie, and am of course at his dis­po­sal if he wishes to dis­cuss my article.
* On the other hand, I thank TF1, and Gilles Bou­leau’s team, for contac­ting me pri­va­te­ly, if the use of these images in this article seems to you to be a sub­ject of dis­cus­sion. Also, I invite you to ana­lyze the LEVA web­site and the LEVA social net­works and see that the mes­sage car­ried with heart by Mr. Tapie, is indeed consistent with ours. Toge­ther, let’s show soli­da­ri­ty and effi­cien­cy in the fight against can­cer. I would even like to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to sug­gest that you high­light LEVA, a brand new site, which was thought out during the first contain­ment in March 2020, and which was born after a year of work, against the cur­rent of the obvious and unders­tan­dable concerns rela­ted to COVID.
Mr. Ber­nard Tapie: “Eve­ryone must find the motive for their struggle. The uni­ver­sal one is to stop making those around us suf­fer. Because they too are suf­fe­ring, you unders­tand? ” “We don’t have to brag about fin­ding cou­rage, we have to be asha­med of not having it. And we have to have it, it is within eve­ryo­ne’s reach. ”
“All the more so because today, you should know one thing, it is that science is moving at an incre­dible speed.… So whoe­ver today is suf­fe­ring from a can­cer, said to be dead­ly in the short term, well it’s not sure. So we have to fight. ”
“We know… I have the eso­pha­gus, sto­mach, lungs, kid­neys. I now have the brain. ”
(The part of the fight)… : “It is exact­ly the reflec­tion of all the fights that we lead, and of all those that we have to lead… The main one being : I try to be hap­py in life, and to make hap­py those who live with me”.
“I’ve been mar­ried for 50 years to the same woman. I have four chil­dren, all of whom are heal­thy. I am proud of them because they are all incre­di­bly talen­ted! I want to conti­nue with them. I have my grand­chil­dren. I have my great grand­son. But what else do you want me to hope for? This is what I hope for. ”
“Eve­ry­thing mat­ters, I’m stuf­fed with nothing. And if tomor­row I still have a voice, you want me to tell you a secret? Lelouch is wai­ting for me with his came­ras, his direc­tors. He wants to make one last film with me. And I’m cra­zy with hap­pi­ness because in it, there are excep­tio­nal guys and excep­tio­nal women.” “You know what makes me very proud? Mr. Delon has just made a film in which he says: “I have three idols, Ber­nard Arnaud, Bel­mon­do and Tapie.” “And you would have me want to leave? But final­ly! Life is beau­ti­ful! “. Ber­nard Tapie.
Of course, I’m wai­ting for you on the LEVA forum, cate­go­ry Moral / Occu­pa­tions to dis­cuss it with you!

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