Gene­ral mobi­li­za­tion of gui­nea pigs for tes­ti­cu­lar can­cer pre­ven­tion! Indeed, do you know what the name of the giant female gui­nea pig is? La Cuy (pro­noun­ced LA KOU- YE). So, in 2014, a Cana­dian adver­ti­sing agen­cy had the bright idea to use a hila­rious homo­phone that defines both a breed of gui­nea pig and the vul­gar syno­nym for tes­ticle. Of course, this choice is not inno­cent: it allows to com­mu­ni­cate about tes­ti­cu­lar can­cer pre­ven­tion with humor. In spite of the sen­si­ti­vi­ty of the sub­ject, the com­mu­ni­ca­tion angle is very cle­ver­ly set. Thus, it is extre­me­ly fun­ny and off­beat to talk about (KOU-YE) in an adver­ti­se­ment where the voice-over is very serious and seems to be that of a doc­tor to name the tes­ticles. Moreo­ver, visual­ly, the adver­ti­sers have cho­sen to show these lit­tle beasts to illus­trate tes­ticles. When the spo­ken word and the visuals make it pos­sible to make people laugh and play down a disease that is par­ti­cu­lar­ly fea­red by all men, then the advert has achie­ved its objec­tives. First of all, tes­ti­cu­lar can­cer is rare as it repre­sents only 1% of all can­cers. Second­ly, it is the most trea­table can­cer with almost 100% cure rate. This ad is excellent because it serves its pur­pose per­fect­ly: First of all, the ad is not anxie­ty-pro­vo­king; it uses the meta­phor that the gui­nea pig is a tes­ticle! Moreo­ver, the ad is fun­ny since it uses the prin­ciple of word­play to hila­rious­ly convey a serious mes­sage. Final­ly, the ad has an edu­ca­tio­nal value, as it shows the pal­pa­tion ges­tures neces­sa­ry to make sure that there is no dan­ger. In conclu­sion, I hope you will laugh when you click on this video:
Don’t hesi­tate to send us your feed­back on the LEVA forum! PS: The use of the word “cobaye” in this article is to be taken in the lin­guis­tic sense. Indeed, the cuy (from Que­chua Quwi, gui­nea pig) is the giant form of the rodent mam­mal cal­led Gui­nea pig (Cavia por­cel­lus). cf: the Wiki­pe­dia article to read here.

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