The jokes of the moment! Laugh­ter is also a medi­cine. Let’s take our treat­ment toge­ther! -> A patient says to his doc­tor at the time of paying the consul­ta­tion: — Will you give me a lit­tle dis­count, doc­tor? I’m the one who gave the flu to the whole neigh­bo­rhood! -> A doc­tor sees his patient again after giving him his pres­crip­tion to treat his ill­ness. He invites him to sit down and asks him: — Well, did you take your medi­cine at 9:00 p.m. last night? — No, I took it at 6pm. — What?! Why did you take it ear­lier?! — I wan­ted to sur­prise the bac­te­ria! -> A woman goes to the doc­tor for pain. Her gyne­co­lo­gist, after exa­mi­ning her, tells her that she has PID. She asks him where this PID comes from. The doc­tor ans­wers: from the Greek I think, and the woman then says: — “From the Greek? I knew it!” -> A lady goes to her doc­tor. After exa­mi­ning her, he asks: — How are the kids? — Oh, my first one has the flu, my second one has strep throat, and my last one broke a tooth. You know what I mean. — Oh, you know me, cha­rades… -> A sur­geon comes to see his patient the day after the ope­ra­tion. She asks him: — Doc­tor, how long do I have to wait before I can have a nor­mal inti­mate life again? The doc­tor was very sur­pri­sed and took a few seconds to think about it. — I must admit that I had never thought about it. You are the first per­son to ask me this ques­tion after a ton­sil operation.
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