Delicious sugar-free shortbread, recipe suitable for chemotherapy patients
Here is a recipe for deli­cious sugar-free short­bread, light and easi­ly digestible!
They are sui­table for patients under­going che­mo­the­ra­py, as well as for all food lovers! VIDEO in this article!
For your infor­ma­tion, we have tes­ted these sugar-free short­breads, for more than a year, eve­ry week, on Yaa­kov-Lev, his parents, and myself: They do not make you fat!
They are use­ful because they bring that com­for­ting sweet­ness, they get the sto­mach used to eating even a few extra grams of food, and they make very light des­serts or snacks.
A step-by-step video of this recipe is avai­lable on our LEVA You­tube chan­nel — and here on the LEVA website.
Feel free to write us your feed­back on these sugar-free shortbreads!
We’re curious to know if you like them! What inno­va­tions do you pro­pose, what changes have you made? You can do so in com­ments under the You­tube video “Deli­cious sugar-free short­bread”, on the LEVA forum and even add your pho­tos, or on our LEVA social networks.
By the way, if you are inter­es­ted in “sugar free”, I have pos­ted a topic in the Food sec­tion of the LEVA Forum, with a brief point on Ste­via. I also pos­ted a pic­ture of a bag of Ste­via for those who don’t know.
Here we go!
Pre­heat the oven ther­mo­stat 6 (175°C).
Put in order, mixing as you go:
40 gr of stevia
1 pinch of salt
1 egg
100 gr of flour + 100 gr of maï­zé­na + 50 gr of flour. (maï­zé­na mea­su­red to “flour” in the mea­su­ring glass!)
125 gr of soft but­ter (or mel­ted in the microwave)
1 or 2 teas­poons of bit­ter almond fla­vou­ring (or ano­ther addi­tion accor­ding to your taste such as lemon zest, vanilla, orange blos­som, etc)
Knead the dough light­ly into a ball.
Flour the work surface.
Roll out the dough with a flou­red roller.
Cut out with cookie cut­ters (or the tip of a knife to make shapes as you wish)
(Optio­nal: add sli­ve­red almonds or other deco­ra­tion accor­ding to your taste. We think sli­ve­red almonds are pret­ty, but they don’t hold up well after baking)
Place the short­bread on the plate of the oven, cove­red with grea­se­proof paper.
With the fur­nace, 10–15mn, to leave them hard­ly beiges gilded.
Good to know:
When moving towards a sugar-free diet, it’s good to take a clo­ser look at the nutri­tio­nal values of foods.
So I put at the bot­tom of the article an example of the table of Bit­ter Almond Fla­vour from the brand Vahi­né. It is as we like!
Alrea­dy, it is com­po­sed only of sun­flo­wer oil and natu­ral fla­vor. It is packa­ged in France, and the bot­tle is recyclable.
Here is a good taste sup­ple­ment, without sugar, and without risks!
For the Lemon Fla­vor of Ita­ly of the brand Vahi­né, it is com­po­sed of sun­flo­wer oil and essen­tial oils of lemon. As you may know, che­mo­the­ra­py can cause epi­lep­sy as a side effect. And essen­tial oils are total­ly for­bid­den in case of epilepsy.
We the­re­fore invite you to be very care­ful, and decline all res­pon­si­bi­li­ties if you use them in our recipe. Thank you for your unders­tan­ding, and take good care of yourself!
If you like this article and want to know more about Ste­via, click here to go direct­ly to the forum topic!

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