New tax bene­fits for consu­mer loans. Consu­mer loans: a slight impro­ve­ment. First of all, when we want to bor­row money and we have long since reco­ve­red from can­cer, we should be able to bor­row free­ly. Yet, we know that it is very dif­fi­cult, if not impos­sible to make a consu­mer loan. Before 2019, the tax pro­vi­sions were very unfair. We had to wait 15 years from the end of can­cer treat­ment to bene­fit from the same condi­tions as others. From then on, we could bene­fit from the “right to for­get”. In addi­tion, the loan was only gran­ted for a few spe­ci­fic areas (real estate).
In this regard, I find the term “right to be for­got­ten” sho­cking. Indeed, if I fell ill, did I com­mit a “fault”? The insu­rers “for­give” me as soon as 15 years are over! I had a simi­lar expe­rience 15 years ago for a consu­mer loan refu­sed for a heart problem.The situa­tion is impro­ving. From now on, the legis­la­tor has redu­ced the right to be for­got­ten from 15 to 10 years and the nature of the request for a consu­mer loan has been broa­de­ned. If you have had stage 1 breast can­cer, the right to for­get is even redu­ced to 7 years after the end of treat­ment. Howe­ver, you must count an addi­tio­nal pre­mium for the fol­lo­wing 3 years. This means that your right to be for­got­ten is redu­ced by more than half! Moreo­ver, if you had your can­cer when you were less than 21 years old, you will see your right to for­get even more redu­ced. It is only 5 years. I invite you to read this article. To conclude, I hope that this will soon concern other can­cers. Have you alrea­dy been able to bene­fit from this tax pro­vi­sion? Final­ly, do you have any expe­rience in the field of consu­mer loans? In a word, many of us want to live like eve­ryone else! We refuse to be puni­shed for years on end by such an ordeal, it is total­ly unfair! We will be very inter­es­ted in your feed­back on the LEVA forum

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